Monatsarchiv für Juni 2021

Donnerstag, den 10. Juni 2021

Upgrade to NativeScript 8

This is the message you see when you run a ns command at this time when you local installation is outdated. So, lets see what it means to upgrade an app from running with NativeScript 7.2.1 to the recent 8.0.2. Of course, there has been an interesting announcement blogpost that contains a short how-to-upgrade section and emphasises many great […]

Mittwoch, den 2. Juni 2021

Upgrading Plugins for NativeScript 7 and following

In my previous blogpost, I wrote about updating an app from NativeScript 6.5 to 8, taking 7 as the necessary step in between. The app is basically working but major functionality is missing as it crashes as soon it tries to execute functions from an internally maintained plugin. Must read when upgrading plugins: That post […] wird erstellt mit WordPress
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