Archiv des Schlagworts(Tags) ‘Asciidoctor’

Montag, den 15. Mai 2023

Convert a LibreOffice (odt) file to AsciiDoc

While the asciidoc documentation has an answer to the question how to convert a Microsoft Word file to AsciiDoc, there is no hint on how to do that for ODT (OpenDocument aka LibreOffice or OpenOffice) files. Sure, one possibility is to safe it in word format and then use pandoc as sugested in the article […]

Dienstag, den 25. Juli 2017

JavaAktuell: Lebendige Dokumentation mit AsciiDoctor

Kurze Durchsage in eigener Sache : In der aktuellen Ausgabe der JavaAktuell, dem Magazin des iJUG e.V., findet sich mein Artikel „Lebendige Dokumentation mit AsciiDoctor“ (hier als PDF). Die JavaAktuell gibt es bei jedem größeren Bahnhofszeitschriftenhandel – zumindest an den Bahnhöfen wo ich es zuletzt verifizieren konnte Ich hoffe die Interpolation anhand dieser Stichproben ist […]

Mittwoch, den 16. November 2016

Asciidoctor-Gradle: Separate tasks for PDF and HTML output

Sometimes you want to have simple additional tasks in a build to generate certain output. A good example is generation of HTML or PDF from Asciidoctor. With the following example you can just do gradle pdf or gradle html to create the desired output – instead of changing the „backends“ property in the build.gradle back […]

Donnerstag, den 8. Oktober 2015

Convert DZSlides presentation to PDF

Given you have created and given a presentation based on DZSlides (maybe powered by AsciiDoctor & Gradle ), you might have the need to publish it at one point. One of the most compatible way is to put the slides into a PDF, but that might not be as much obvious as you might expect. […]

Dienstag, den 14. April 2015

AsciiDoctor & Gradle: Documentation brought to life

The slides from my talk at GreachConf: Find examples at Github: MrHaki has written a nice wrap up of the Greach conference. wird erstellt mit WordPress
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